When learning how to use fractions there is one thing you must know from the beginning. That is that the top number (a) is called the numerator, and the bottom number (b) is called the denominator. The denominator can NOT be zero. There are a few different ways to look at a fraction:
1. Part-to-Whole, which is when the numerator equally goes into the denominator and the fraction is just representing a part to the whole unit.
2. Division Concept, which is just converting the fraction into a division problem. For example, 1/4 now becomes 1 divided by 4.
3. Ratio Concept, which is when you compare one amount to another.
I had also learned the Fundamental Law of Fractions: let a/b be a fraction. Then for any number k can NOT equal 0. (a/b = ka/kb) Also, Equivilent Fractions can be formed by multiplying or dividing the numerator and denominator by a number.
You can find the answer to the addition of two fractions by adding the top two numbers across and the two bottom numbers across leaving you with a fraction answer still.
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